Saturday 23 August 2008

Royal Salute 38 'Stone of Destiny'

WOLFANG DIGITAL documented the noteworthy launch of the Royal Salute 38, Stone of Destiny. An elegant and royal setting, a room filled with ancient treasures, a 38 year-old scotch whisky.

The finely superior Royal Salute 38 year old was unveiled to privileged eyes and sampled by distinguished, discerning palate. WOLFANG DIGITAL was honoured to be in the company of his excellency, the 13th Duke of Argyll, Torquhil Ian Campbell who graced us with his presence all the way from his native Scotland.

On display are his excellency's magnificent collection of treasures on loan from his expansive castle, Inveraray in scenic Scotland. WOLFANG DIGITAL did not hesitate to capture these rare wonders that helped shape a nation's history.

The Royal Salute 38 made its grand entrance escorted by a pair of bagpipers in full highland regalia. Scenes from the movies Braveheart and Rob Roy played in our minds amidst the bagpipers' melancholic yet majestic melody.

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