Your first steps in becoming a Videographer will obviously be an exciting adventure and no less expensive either. One of the main reasons all Videographers are passionate about their work is because Videography equipment is expensive. When he or she decides to turn from amateur to professional, they are already committed to purchasing costly equipment.
So what are some of the features that you should look for when purchasing a camcorder? Here are some of the most important features:
1) Depth of Field
One of my most important criteria is the length of the camera's lens. The longer the lens, the more shallow the depth of field. A shallow depth of field renders both the foreground and background out of focus, bringing the subject into clear focus.
2) Preset and Custom White Balance
Some cameras allow the user to keep more than one White Balance setting. This feature lets Videographers easily switch settings when under different light temperature (sunlight has a higher colour temperature than tungsten light). Not having to set the White Balance each time the camcorder shoots in a distinctly different lighting is a time saving advantage.
3) Full Manual Exposure Controls
The ability to control your shutter speed, aperture and gain independently of each other is crucial as you will end up in situations where fine tweaking these settings yield the best results
I will cover more important features you should consider in a Video Camera. Here's a short description:
4) Full Manual Audio Controls
5) Video and Audio inputs
6) Manual Zoom and Manual Focus Ring
Look out for my next article, Videography: Purchasing your Video Camera pt. 2